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Services for Companies

Services for Companies

La libreria del viaggiatore:
volumi consigliati

Occupational medicine for companies working abroad
For years, Clinica del Viaggiatore Cesmet has been providing services to fulfill the dictates derived from Decree 81/08, Title X (issues related to travel and biological and environmental risk): information, training, preventive activities and suitable documentation for employees working abroad.   Book here the service.

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Country risk information and assessments; Preparations for international protocols to be included in DVRs; Prevention service, vaccinations, malaria chemoprophylaxis; Personal checks and on-site health protection services, specialized remote healthcare during the journey; diagnosis, visits and treatments upon return from the trip.

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C e s m e t . c o m C l i n i c a d e l V i a g g i a t o r e
C e s m e t . c o m C l i n i c a d e l V i a g g i a t o r e
C e s m e t . c o m C l i n i c a d e l V i a g g i a t o r e